Friday, March 2, 2012


# Of questions you got right: 63 out of 90

Grade in percentage: 69

1) Did you ……… anywhere interesting last weekend?
a) go
b) going
c) was
d) went

simple past tense
Did you went anywhere interesting last weekend?

 Did you go anywhere interesting last weekend?

When I use the auxiliary did not use the principal verb in past tense.
4) What is your home town..?
a) situated
b) age
c) like
d) located
Simple present
Wh question   
What is your home town located?

 What is your home town like?
In the question are use what and not where for this reason is like
6) How ……… are you?
a) high
b) wide
c) long
d) heavy
How wide are you?

How heavy are you?
When we use the adjective wide is for use in units of measure and not in people
14) This beer tastes ……
a) badly
b) lovely
c) well
d) normally
This beer tastes well 

This beer tastes lovely
When talk we the expression well is use for a situation and when use the lovely is for say  that something is very good.
16. She knows that she ……… to pay now.
a) had better
b) needn't
c) should
d) ought
Modal Verbs
She knows that she should should to pay now.

She knows that she ought to pay now.
Because should is use for give an advice, in this sentence she already knows.
20) They were ……… hard questions that I had no chance.
a) so
b) some
c) such
d) quite
Past progressive
They were some hard questions that I had no chance.

They were such hard questions that I had no chance.
When we talk about tangible things, we can use some, but when we talk about the thing that aren´t tangible we say such.

23) It's all right, we ……… hurry. We have plenty of time.
a) mustn't
b) shouldn't
c) can't
d) needn't

Simple Present
It's all right, we mustn´t hurry. We have plenty of time.

It's all right, we needn’t hurry. We have plenty of time.
We use must´n  when is an obligation, in this case don´t is obligation.
24) You have a terrible fever! ……… call a doctor?
a) Shall I
b) Do I
c) Must I
d) Will I

Modal verbs
You have a terrible fever will I call a doctor?

You have a terrible fever! shall call a doctor?

We use the shall when the answer at the situation is emphatically.

26) Mr Haines wants ……… to his office.
a) that you come
b) you come to
c) you come
d) you to come

Simple Present
Mr Haines wants that you come to his office.

Mr Haines wants you to come to his office.
In this sentence you to come is an order of Mr. Haines.

40) What about ……… for a walk?
a) to go
b) I going
c) going
d) go

Present progresive
What about to go for a walk?

What about going for a walk?
When the sentence is in present progressive tense  the verb always the verb is with ING
43) I have a problem. ……… help me please?
a) Could you
b) Should you
c) Were you able to
d) Will you able to

I have a problem. Will you able help me please?

I have a problem could you help me please?

54) He's a friend of ……… .
a) them
b) theres
c) theirs
d) their
Possessive Adjective
He's a friend of them.

He's a friend of theirs
Because in this situation are talking about person possessive.
58) Is ……… than his father?
a) Matt taller
b) taller Matt
c) Matt more tall
d) Matt as tall as

Comparative Adjective
Is matt more tall than his father?

Is than mat taller his father?

When we compare the adjectives must add ER to the adjective.
60)……… is it from here to Berlin?
a) How long way
b) How long
c) How far
d) How many

How long is it from here to Berlin?

How far is it from here to Berlin?
It means a distance among here and berlin but in the context it most clear Far
65) I gave her ……… earrings for Christmas.
a) a pair of
b) a set of
c) two
d) a
Simple Past
 I gave her a set of earrings for Christmas.

I gave her a pair of earrings for Christmas.

Because if I say a set of is say the same double time.
69) The financial director ……… for almost an hour.
a) kept us to wait
b) kept us waiting
c) made us to wait
d) made us waiting

Present progressive

The financial director keep us to wait for almost an hour.

The financial director kept us waiting for almost an hour.

75) "I'm going to the cinema on Saturday." "So ……… ."
a) I am
b) do I
c) I do
d) am I

Present Perfect
 "I'm going to the cinema on Saturday." "So I do

 "I'm going to the cinema on Saturday." "So am I"

The sentence is telling that the person already in the cinema.
76) They ……… him of scratching the car.
a) blamed
b) accused
c) punished
d) arrested
Present Progressive
They blamed him of scratching the car.

They accused him of scratching the car.

79) The book shop rang ……… that the dictionary you ordered has arrived.
a) to say
b) to tell
c) for saying
d) for telling

Simple Past

Present Perfect Simple
The book shop rang to tell that the dictionary you ordered has arrived.

The book shop rang to say that the dictionary you ordered has arrived.
In the context the  verb that we can use is SAY because It’s when the other person are saying something about an specific situation and TELL that means something that the other person are saying to us about a relative situation
80) If he hadn't drunk so much, he ……… sick.
a) didn't feel
b) wouldn't feel
c) hadn't felt
d) hasn't felt

If he hadn't drunk so much, he hadn´t feel sick.

If he hadn't drunk so much, he wouldn´t feel sick.
The answer is wouldn´t because the sentence is a conditional.
81) Maria has two sisters, but she doesn't speak to ……… of them.
a) both
b) any
c) either
d) neither

Adjective Pronouns
Maria has two sisters, but she doesn't speak to any of them.

Maria has two sisters, but she doesn't speak to either of them.

83) We discussed the house plans ……… our way to the shops.
a) by
b) on
c) in
d) to

We discussed the house plans in our way to the shops.

We discussed the house plans on our way to the shops.

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